
Friday, April 24, 2020

Bike riding

Before the  lockdown I didn’t like  biking but  now I  love biking because I practice alot.  Most days I have been biking 3 or 4 kilometers. The other day I went biking 7 kilometers  and I biked to my auntie’s house. I biked  past the poppies on anzac drive. I also biked past QE2 even past  my old kindy. A big flock of black and white Canadian geese flew over my head. They were going south. They honked really loudly. I fell off my bike into a dark green bush and my almost fell on top of me. Biking makes me feel happy. I went on a bike track but I feel off two times. My drink bottle fell on the ground so dad had to squirt it into my mouth and my tshirt got wet. Mum and Dad are going to buy me a new bike with gears because I bike a lot now.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Creative writing with adjectives

Here is my story and brainstorm.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Reading main ideas poster

Maths fences bar graph

The favourite colour  fence is brown. The least  favourite colour is blue because I didn't find any blue ones.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Bottle Lake Forest

On Easter Monday I went to the forest it is at the end of our street. It is called Bottle Lake Forest. There were lots of fairy houses there. We found Sophia and Isla Foleys there too. They looked really nice. There were lots of crunchy dry leaves because it is autumn. In autumn all the leaves fall off the trees I  jumped in the  leaves with my  sisters and kicked them at my mum and dad. The forest was  fun.

Thursday, April 9, 2020


On Sunday it will be Easter Sunday and the Easter bunny will come. I am excited because I really really want to find the Easter eggs. I really want to meet the Easter bunny. I always find the bags of Easter eggs. But the sad thing is Jesus died on the cross because one of his disciples got soldiers to catch Jesus. His disciple was greedy to get money. But two days later he raised again and came back to life and went to see his friends and family. Jesus is in heaven with God now. I am going to read lots of Easter books.
A couple of years ago I met a dressed up Easter bunny.

Monday, April 6, 2020

My dad the dinosaur

On Sunday there was a Dinosaur in my backyard. It was giant. He was so big that he almost couldn’t get in the house.
He chased me all around the backyard. It was actually just my dad in a blowup costume. I patted him on his head.  He tried to bite my head. It was funny.  My dad also has a blowup costume of Santa and Rudolph the reindeer.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Movie and sleepover night

I have been going on my bike and scooter during the lockdown. I miss my friends and teachers but I am happy that I can help my mum and dad at home. We are in lockdown because of Corona virus. I am sad that I can’t go to school anymore. I have lucky that I have a twin and a little sister so I am not lonely. We have to stay at home so that we don’t catch Corona virus. We have to wash our hands and not touch our faces.
I am having a sleep over tonight in my lounge. We are watching a movie and eating popcorn and chips. It will be fun.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Lockdown

On Wednesday I found 27 teddy bears when I went for a bike ride with my dad. I have been doing school work with my mum. I have been doing lots of writing and reading and math. I  have been doing lots of drawing too. I am also doing a cooking show with Freya and Emilie. I have made jam drop cookies and chocolate banana bread. I am missing my teachers and friends but I am happy that I get to stay home with my family. Here are some photos.
I have also been doing kapa haka on youtube and PE on YouTube and doing Freyas music classes on Facebook.